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在中国 无人机中的苹果正成功飞起|新宝GG娱乐

发布时间:2024-09-06 19:22人气:
本文摘要:In April a group of Finnish farmers outfitted a spindly black drone with a remote-controlled chainsaw and filmed it decapitating snowmen. They called it “Killer Drone.” More formally it was a DJI S1000.四月,一群芬兰农民装备了一架细长黑色、具有遥控电锯的无人机并摄制下它斧头下雨人头部的画面。

In April a group of Finnish farmers outfitted a spindly black drone with a remote-controlled chainsaw and filmed it decapitating snowmen. They called it “Killer Drone.” More formally it was a DJI S1000.四月,一群芬兰农民装备了一架细长黑色、具有遥控电锯的无人机并摄制下它斧头下雨人头部的画面。他们称谓它为“凶手无人机”。

更加月的称谓为大疆S1000。This spring marine biologists flew a drone over the Sea of Cortez to capture samples of the fluid sprayed from the blowholes of blue whales. They called it “SnotBot.” It was a DJI Inspire 1.这个春季,海洋生物学家们驾驶员一架无人机飞到加利福尼亚湾,收集从蓝鲸头顶的排便孔喷射出的液体标本。

他们称之为它为“鼻涕机器人”。这架无人机是大疆Inspire 1。In March 2015 two men in Ottawa equipped a sleek white drone with Roman candle fireworks and sprinted away shirtless as the machine fired spark-spewing projectiles. They called it “Roman Candle Attack Drone 2.0.” It was a DJI Phantom 2.2015年三月,两个男人在渥太华装备了一架有光泽的白色、具有罗马烛光烟花的无人机并在这架机器升空喷气火花的弹丸时打架。

他们称之为它为“罗马烛光攻击无人机2.0”.这架无人机是大疆 Phantom 2。DJI which stands for Da-Jiang Innovations is a midsize company based in Shenzhen China and it essentially put recreational drone-flying on the map. Fans call it the “Apple of drones” and for good reason — the company owns 70% of the consumer drone market analysts say. As of March it was valued at about $8 billion. It may be the first Chinese company to create and then dominate a hot new class of consumer electronics.DIJ代表大疆创新科技有限公司,这是一家中等规模的中国深圳公司,它从本质上使娱乐无人机飞行中挂上台面。粉丝们称谓它为“无人机中的苹果”,而这是有原因的——据专家称之为这家公司占有70%无人机消费市场份额。


As China’s decades-long investment and exports-driven “economic miracle” comes to an end the Chinese government is attempting to boost innovation to keep the country’s economy afloat. Officials are investing billions of yuan in gleaming new office parks university engineering programs and start-up incubators.当中国数十年投资和出口驱动的“经济奇迹”完结,中国政府于是以尝试增进创意来保持国家免遭经济艰难。行政官员投资了上亿人民币在闪亮的新办公楼区、大学工程项目和创意启动孵化器上。



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