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【新宝GG注册】iPhone 6各方面是实实在在的升级

发布时间:2024-08-25 19:22人气:
本文摘要:“Bigger than Bigger” is the tagline Apple adopted to describe its latest iPhone lineup. Indeed, the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are bigger than last year’s models, the 5C and 5S, which have 4-inch displays. The new models have 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch screens, respectively, but there’s much more to the pair than just screen size.苹果为近期发售的iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus投出了“岂止于大”的标语。

“Bigger than Bigger” is the tagline Apple adopted to describe its latest iPhone lineup. Indeed, the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are bigger than last year’s models, the 5C and 5S, which have 4-inch displays. The new models have 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch screens, respectively, but there’s much more to the pair than just screen size.苹果为近期发售的iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus投出了“岂止于大”的标语。的确,这两款手机要比4寸屏幕的iPhone 5S和5C都要大,分别配备了一块4.7寸和5.5寸的显示屏,但除了屏幕尺寸之外,这两款手机的升级之处还有不少。Sure, there’s a new processor, the A8, which promises to be faster and more power-efficient. There’s the new M8 co-processor, which tracks your activity using the phone’s myriad sensors, including a barometer to measure elevation changes. There’s the new display, which promises improved contrast and wider viewing angles, even while wearing polarized sunglasses. And there are the tweaks to the software that powers its 8-megapixel camera: improved face detection, auto-focus, video stabilization, and slow-motion capture.首先被迫托的是近期的A8处理器,据传它的运营速度更加慢,而且耗电量更加较低。

另外还有近期植入的M8协同处理器,它可以通过iPhone内部的多个传感器(甚至还包括一个可测量海拔高度变化的气压计)监测你的行动。iPhone 6还用于了近期的表明技术,可以获取更加锋利的对比度和更加甚广的表明角度,甚至戴着偏光镜看都会再次发生偏色。另外,苹果对800万像素摄像头的驱动软件也做到了优化,可以获取更加杰出的面部辨识、自动对焦、视频防抖和慢动作捕猎功能。The list of iterative improvements is long. There’s little doubt that the new iPhones are the best Apple AAPL -0.87% has ever made.iPhone的功能升级可以排泄一列长长的表格。

基本可以确凿无疑地说道,iPhone 6和6 Plus可谓苹果有史以来最差的智能手机产品。But that’s not the goal of this latest crop. Apple’s new iPhones are, perhaps for the first time, openly courting the Google GOOG -2.36% Android users who walked out of Apple’s garden when iOS devices turned stale, looking for a taller glass of milk.但这些都不是iPhone 6和6 Plus的终极目标。事实上,这两款手机可以说道是苹果首次为了亲近那些因为冷落iOS设备创意脱节,而转投安卓阵营的用户而发售的诚恳之作。

Samsung, the Korean company that has come to bedevil Apple in recent years, first released a larger-format phone in 2011. People scoffed at the Galaxy Note, which carried a 5.3-inch screen, because it didn’t fit the mold at the time. Was it a phone? Was it a tablet? The answer: a “phablet.” The name was as ugly as the phone was perceived to be.韩国三星集团(Samsung)近年来早已给苹果造成了极大的困难。三星于2011年首次发售了一款巨屏手机。一开始人们都在取笑这款5.3寸巨屏的Galaxy Note,因为它看起来与当时的主流机型迥然不同。它究竟是一台手机还是一台平板电脑呢?答案是“平板手机”。

这个名字在当时显然就和这台手机本身一样讨厌。Quite a lot of people like using a phone with a bigger screen, it turns out. Each of Samsung’s Note models has broken the 10 million unit mark in the last three years. Total Galaxy Note sales are over 50 million. The Note 4 is expected to debut on October 17, no doubt further support for a new trend in which large-screened phones—sorry, phablets—eat into tablet computer sales.不过事实证明,很多人讨厌更大屏的手机。

在过去三年间,每一款Note的销量都多达了1000万台。Galaxy Note系列的总销量早已多达了5000万台。

Note 4预计将在本月17日下架发售,它的销量将更进一步伴随着大屏手机——也就是所谓的“平板手机”将更进一步蚕食平板电脑市场的销量。And guess who sells an awful lot of tablets?现在请求猜猜,平板电脑究竟哪家强劲?There’s a lot riding on the iPhones 6 and 6 Plus. The larger format presents new problems for Apple. The devices’ predecessors were perfected for one-handed use. The new models must rely on software to compensate for the extra screen real estate.iPhone 6和6 Plus的销量可以说道是势如破竹,但大屏也给苹果带给了新的问题。

前一代iPhone对于单手操作来说可谓极致,但现在却必需倚赖软件来填补屏幕更大导致的操作者艰难。For example, the new devices allow you to swipe in from either edge of the screen for easy navigation, forward or backwards, within a mobile application. Developers can now add a two-pane view to apps, activated when you rotate the iPhone 6 Plus into landscape mode. The new view is similar to what you’d see on an iPad, only smaller.比如,用于一款移动应用于时,iPhone 6和6 Plus反对用水平划动来掌控“行进”和“前进”,构建精彩导航系统。另外,开发者还可以在应用于中重新加入iPhone 6 Plus正处于横屏模式时才可转录的双屏界面。这种视图效果类似于你在iPad上看见的那种效果,只不过小了一些。

“Reachability” is another feature that you would not have seen on earlier, smaller iPhone models. Activated by quickly tapping (not pressing) the home button twice, the feature pulls the top half of the screen down and places the furthest on-screen buttons or icons within a thumb’s reach. The point of the feature, which I initially had pegged as a gimmick, is to eliminate the need to use two hands to manipulate the larger device. In testing, I came to appreciate it, especially on the larger iPhone 6 Plus.“可达性”是另一个在以前历代iPhone上都没的功能。只要轻点两下Home键(不是按下去),这个功能就不会把屏幕的上半页纳到底部,这样一来,你就不必纠葛于大拇指够不着屏幕更远端的图标了,这个功能是为了防止双手操作者大屏的不便。

虽然一开始我称之为它是个“噱头”,但在测试中,我慢慢开始喜爱起这个功能来,特别是在是在更为大屏的iPhone 6 Plus上。In a bid to woo those coveted Android users, the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system, iOS 8, incorporates widgets—the term used for miniature applications that draw on information from larger ones—in its Notification Center. The absence of widgets in iOS is something for which passionate Android users have long mocked about their iPhone-wielding peers. With the new iPhones, Apple finally evens the score.为了断然拒绝安卓阵营的用户,苹果近期的iOS 8系统也开始在通报中心加到小部件了。

iOS不反对小部件历年来是安卓发烧友取笑果粉的谈资之一。但是凭借近期的iPhone,苹果再一在这方面追平了输掉。The new phones also come with support for Apple Pay, the company’s new mobile payments service. Unfortunately, the feature won’t go live until later this month, so I was unable to test it.iPhone 6和6 Plus还反对苹果的Apple Pay移动支付服务。惜这个功能直到本月月底才能上线,所以我未能亲身评测它。

And what of battery life, you ask? Satisfactory for both. During testing, I was able to pull the iPhone 6 through a day of heavy usage with enough juice left over to carry into the early lunch hour on day two. The 6 Plus, meanwhile, was able to power through the same amount of time with a couple of hours to spare. If you’re a frequent traveler, you’ll be pleased with the phones’ performance—just don’t cry foul when one doesn’t fit into the cup holder of your rental car.那么续航时间呢?可以说道iPhone 6和6 Plus的续航能力都令人满意。在测试中,我的iPhone 6决胜负了一整天的重度测试,只剩的一点电量还能撑到将近第二天中午。

6 Plus的待机时间甚至还要再行宽一两个小时。如果你常常公干的话,你对这两款iPhone的续航展现出应当不会比较满意——如果你租来的车的杯托只想这款新的iPhone,你可别抗议就是了。Which brings me to my final point: portability. If you’re an iPhone 5 or 5S user, the larger iPhone 6 requires only minor adjustment to your habits. It should slide right into the back pocket of your favorite pair of jeans, at least for most people.而这也正是我测试的最后一个项目:便携性。

如果你是iPhone 5或5S的用户,那么略为大一些的iPhone 6只必须你略为调整一下自己的穿着习惯。它应当刚好能放入你的牛仔裤口袋里——最少对大多数人都是这样。

The much larger iPhone 6 Plus is a different story. It doesn’t completely disappear into a back jeans pocket, and you’ll be promptly reminded of that fact when you forget to remove it before sitting down. (And for those of you who are concerned about bent iPhones, I say only this: No iPhones were harmed in the making of this article.)更大屏的iPhone 6 Plus则是另一回事了。它不了几乎隐蔽在牛仔裤口袋里,往往不会遮住一拦。而且如果你椅子前没有把它拿出来,你不会迅速意识到它的不存在。

(对于关心“敲弯门”话题的读者,我只说一句:在我的评测过程中,并没一部iPhone受到了受损。)Both models fit just fine into the breast pocket of my suit jacket as well as the front pocket on a pair of slacks.iPhone 6和6 Plus都能放进我的西服前胸口袋和休闲裤口袋。With larger sizes and a collection of minor improvements, can Apple’s latest iPhones woo Android users back into the fold? It’s possible, though Apple’s new devices seem to merely close the gap between the two warring factions.凭借两块更大的屏幕和一系列小步改进,苹果的两款新的iPhone能否让转投安卓阵营的用户再度回心转意?这并非不有可能,虽然这两款新的iPhone或许只是只得拉平了与安卓的差距。

In truth, I wonder about Apple’s millions of existing customers that will be forced to upgrade to a larger phone. As I tested both devices, I found it a struggle to retrain my mind and hand to adapt to using a larger device. It’s a matter of personal preference, and I’m told it gets easier with time. But if phone-tablet hybrids truly are the future of personal computing, count me out, at least for the time being. I just can’t wrap my hand around it.但事实上,我有些猜测苹果的千百万现有用户否能不得不拒绝接受大屏iPhone。在测试这两款新的iPhone的过程中,我找到要训练我的双手和大脑去适应环境一台大屏手机也是很不更容易的。也有人对我说道,时间宽了就习惯了。




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