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发布时间:2024-09-30 19:22人气:
本文摘要:Several banks, including Barclays, Citi and Royal Bank of Scotland, have banned the use of most group chat rooms in moves that highlight how global probes into alleged benchmark manipulations are driving a radical reform of trading floors. 还包括巴克莱(Barclays)、花旗银行(Citi)以及苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)在内的几家银行早已禁令大部分群聊天室的用于,此举凸显了针对基准操控指控的全球调查于是以如何推展交易厅的完全改革。

Several banks, including Barclays, Citi and Royal Bank of Scotland, have banned the use of most group chat rooms in moves that highlight how global probes into alleged benchmark manipulations are driving a radical reform of trading floors. 还包括巴克莱(Barclays)、花旗银行(Citi)以及苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)在内的几家银行早已禁令大部分群聊天室的用于,此举凸显了针对基准操控指控的全球调查于是以如何推展交易厅的完全改革。Investigations into the Libor interbank lending rate manipulation scandal prompted RBS sometime last year to ban unmonitored chat rooms where traders used to discuss market topics with rivals, two people familiar with those measures said. 两位消息人士说道,对伦敦银行同业外汇市场利率(Libor)操控丑闻的调查,促成苏格兰皇家银行在去年某个时候禁令了非监控聊天室的用于。

交易员曾利用此类聊天室与竞争对手辩论市场话题。“The bank clamped down on this big time. I think we were even going slightly overboard on this,” one senior banker said. 一位高级银行家说道:“银行在大力查禁聊天室。

我指出我们甚至做到得有点过火了。” Citi two months ago banned traders’ chat rooms with multiple banks, restricting instant messages to conversations with traders at one bank at a time. Barclays, which like the other two banks declined to comment, made similar reforms last year. Executives at JPMorgan are also examining whether conversations on so-called “multi-dealer” chat rooms cannot be carried out bilaterally over the phone. 两个月前,花旗禁令交易员与多家银行同时聊天,将即时消息容许于每次与一家银行的交易员对话。去年,巴克莱作出了类似于的改革。

与另外两家银行一样,巴克莱也拒绝接受回应公开发表评论。摩根大通(JPMorgan)的高管也在评估,所谓的多交易商聊天室对话,能否被一对一的电话联系替代。Banks are re-evaluating their messaging systems as they grapple with the fallout from the Libor scandal and a global probe into alleged manipulation of the $5.3tn a day foreign exchange market, the latest in a series of benchmark-related rate-rigging investigations. 各银行在新的评估各自的消息系统,他们必须希望解决Libor丑闻的冲击波以及对每天5.3万亿美元的外汇市场操控指控的全球调查,后者是一连串基准利率操控调查的近期一项调查。

At least eight regulators in the UK, US, Switzerland and Hong Kong are involved in investigating more than 15 banks. That has so far triggered the suspension of at least a dozen traders across the globe amid suspicions that chat rooms were used to share sensitive client information. 英国、美国、瑞士以及香港最少有八家监管机构参予了对多达15家银行的调查。由于因涉嫌利用聊天室共享脆弱客户信息,目前全球最少早已有十几名交易员被免职。



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